Double-click event support

Does heaps supports double-click event for desktop application?

Not natively, as far as I’m aware. I just whipped up this quick class to handle double clicks using Interactive.

import hxd.Timer;
import hxd.Event;

 * Super basic double clickable version of Interactive
class DoubleClickable extends h2d.Interactive {
    // Max # of frames between clicks to trigger a double click.
    static final DOUBLE_CLICK_THRESH = 15;

    // Set this instead of using onClick.
    public var realOnClick:Event->Void;
    // The function to call on double click.
    public var onDoubleClick:Event->Void;

    // Keep track of when this instance was last clicked.
    private var lastClickFrame:Int = -1;

    public function new(width, height, ?parent, ?shape) {
        super(width, height, parent, shape);

    override function onClick(e:Event) {
        // Within the threshold, trigger a double click.
        if (Timer.frameCount - lastClickFrame <= DOUBLE_CLICK_THRESH) {
            if (onDoubleClick != null) {
        } else {
            // Otherwise, call `realOnClick`
            if (realOnClick != null) {

        // Update the last click frame.
        lastClickFrame = Timer.frameCount;
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