Heaps bullet physics error [solve]

Need some help as I do not know which version is the Bullet Physics.

I get some error while building 64bit window 10 and using Bullet Physics 2.89 version.
hashlink build 64bit work but 32bit fail.

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol "public: bool __cdecl btSdfCollisionShape::queryPoint(class btVector3 const &,float &,class btVector3 &)" (?queryPoint@btSdfCollisionShape@@QEAA_NAEBVbtVector3@@AEAMAEAV2@@Z)	bullet	C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\bulletmod\btConvexConcaveCollisionAlgorithm.obj	1	

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol "public: static int btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolverMt::s_minimumContactManifoldsForBatching" (?s_minimumContactManifoldsForBatching@btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolverMt@@2HA)	bullet	C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\bulletmod\btSimulationIslandManagerMt.obj	1	

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	LNK1120	2 unresolved externals	bullet	C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\bulletmod\x64\Release\bullet.hdll	1	

I’m trying the same thing but gone a bit further. Try using Bullet 2.87, I think the idl is build on that version.

I’ve got the hdll but can not get HL running, because it doesn’t find the library. I’ve opened an issue.

If you get it running, please come back here to explain how you did it.

josuigoa that help.

I got it working on 64bit. I got error build that I had to rebuild to make sure it was working.

But 64bit build not 32 bit. 32 Bit hashlink doesn’t work. Hashlink has to be tested first. The error I find is that module not loading or other sdl missing on 32bit windows 10 compile.

Here my build on 2.87:

Manage to get it working with the hl-1.11.0-win.zip binary that works.

Next part is how to get bullet examples to learn how physics docs works. Have not look into or which is the best way to run correct way.

edit: I wrote this before go to the link and test it, it works, thanks! And your README file is very helpfull.

you got working the compilation or the execution? I managed to compile it but HL can’t load the created hdll.

what Visual Studio version do you have?

I used VS2017 Community. Compile for release build 64bit. 32Bit doesn’t work for me.