How can I dictate/set the mouse position?

I would like to be able to set the mouse to a specific position by code.
I tried the following code, but it doesn’t seem to do a thing:

var xx = s2d.width  / 2;
var yy = s2d.height / 2;
sevents.setMousePos( xx, yy );

sevents is derived from public var sevents(default,null) : hxd.SceneEvents; in the App.hx class.

I also looked in hxd.Cursor, h2d.Scene and hxd.Window (maybe there use mouseLock? not implemented however) for appropriate methods but couldn’t find any…

Any suggestions? Let me know.
Thank you. :slight_smile:

ATM we don’t have native bindings to change the hardware cursor position.

OK, solid answer. Thank you :slight_smile: