[SOLVED] Tile.center() strange behavior

Hi all,
I have a texture atlas (created with TexturePacker) with several animations.
I would like to take one of these animations, center it and flip on x axis

But when flip it on x axis ,it seems that the pivot has changed position is no longer in the center

	public function addAnimation(name:String, frames:Array<Tile>, ?flipX:Bool, ?fps:Int) {

		var clone = frames;

		for (i in 0...clone.length) {
			flipX ? clone[i].flipX() : null;

		this.frames.set(name, clone);

I found the solution, i only need save center tile reference

    	public function addAnimation(name:String, frames:Array<Tile>, ?flipX:Bool, ?fps:Int) {

    		var clone = frames;

    		for (i in 0...clone.length) {
    		        clone[i] = clone[i].center();
    			flipX ? clone[i].flipX() : null;

    		this.frames.set(name, clone);