Error first run

Got error when first run simple heaps application.

Error: BufferFlags_Impl_.cpp
./src/hxd/impl/Allocator/BufferFlags_Impl.cpp(52): error C2061: синтаксическая ошибка: идентификатор “Dynamic”
./src/hxd/impl/Allocator/BufferFlags_Impl.cpp(52): error C2511: bool hxd::impl::_Allocator::BufferFlags_Impl__obj::__GetStatic(const String &): перегруженная функция-член не найдена в “hxd::impl::_Allocator::BufferFlags_Impl__obj”
include\hxd/impl/Allocator/BufferFlags_Impl.h(16): note: см. объявление “hxd::impl::_Allocator::BufferFlags_Impl__obj”
./src/hxd/impl/Allocator/BufferFlags_Impl.cpp(56): error C2065: outValue: необъявленный идентификатор

Error: Build failed

heaps: [2.0.0], haxelib version 4.1.0, haxe version 4.3.6

Do you use HashLink to build and run the Heaps application?
I’m just wondering because of the .cpp and foo::bar things, which suggest C++, however even HashLink works with mere C :thinking:
So are you creating a redistributable (e.g. an .exe application for Windows) ?
(then for instance redisthelper can be recommended here)

(Anyway also maybe have a try using the Heaps git version:
haxelib git heaps