coming back to this…
because of my object-oriented design (and i’m now starting to understand how OO can go wrong…), i created an instance of Entity, which itself has an instance of Graphics, meaning: 1000 instances of Entity, Object, and Graphics, each. LOL. Is this a terrible idea? Or should i try to consolidate all of the drawing to a single Graphics object, separating the drawing part from Entity? I just want to know for like, *good design practices*. (the down-side of this is that i’d lose the ability to layer graphics tho… unless i create yet another layer helping class to order Graphics drawing…?
another puzzle: i personally don’t know when/how Graphics is actually drawn. Like, iirc in MonoGame, you have a main draw function, and you just gotta draw everything in there, ordered, front-to-back (
maybe Scene/Layers handles everything for us
…). For sprites in Heaps it’s the same as MG: SpriteBatch.draw (i think). But for Graphics, you just use the Flash API (lineTo, moveTo, beginFill, endFill, etc.), and it’s all auto-magically drawn! iirc, there’s no actual draw call needed from me.
basically, i’m just worried i’m doing 1000 draw calls, lol. I’m not too worried about 3000 class instances… or should i be?