Hashlink/C to exe

I using hlc-compilerhttps://github.com/fal-works/hlc-compiler.
My command:

haxelib run hlc-compiler --srcDir bin --srcFile app.c --outFile redist/app.exe --hlcJsonFile hlc.json --hlLibDir C:/HaxeToolkit/hl --hlIncludeDir C:/HaxeToolkit/hl/include --copyRuntimeFiles --exFile C:/Windows/System32/dbghelp.dll --saveCmd redist/run_gcc.bat -w --relative --compiler gcc

and this command compiling c code to exe, but when i opened exe file i saw many green lines.

Maybe problem in include order libreries hxml file:

-cp src
-lib format
-lib hashlink
-lib heaps
-lib hlopenal
-lib hlsdl
-hl bin/app.c
-main Main

When I use hldx - no problem, but with hlsdl appear many green lines.

I’m not sure what you mean about “many green lines” here ? You mean in the display ? Something that would work with the bytecode version and that doesn’t work with the C compiled version ?

You can also try redist helper of course, just as workaround (assuming you’re on Windows). I didn’t even know there’s now a real GCC way to compile Heaps games. Great to know.

I created new empty project


-cp src
-lib heaps
-lib hldx (or hlsdl)
-main Main

--hl bin/app.c
--hl bin/app.hl

Then I compiled app.c file using hlc-compiler - https://github.com/fal-works/hlc-compiler

haxelib run hlc-compiler --srcDir bin --srcFile app.c --outFile redist/app.exe --hlcJsonFile hlc.json --hlLibDir C:/HaxeToolkit/hl --hlIncludeDir C:/HaxeToolkit/hl/include --copyRuntimeFiles --exFile C:/Windows/System32/dbghelp.dll --saveCmd redist/run_gcc.bat -w --relative --compiler gcc

If I use hldx:

But, if I use hlsdl:

[SOLVED] The solution to the problem was to update SDL.