How to create .atlas files?

Hi everyone. I recently started to dabble around with Heaps and I found that a lot of examples use .atlas files. While I’m programming for a while now, I’m not very experienced on the graphics side so maybe someone can help me out here.

What tool do you use to create .atlas files?

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Haven’t played a lot with it but this should give an idea.

As tool you can use: to create the atlas. Or check out spine itself: Atlas export format

Beeblerox shows how to use it in your code:

And some general tipps: Optimizing bitmaps - Game Engine

(Like always for all resources you’ll need some sort of loading/‘resources loader’, see: Resource management - Game Engine)

I remember there was more info in the Heaps docs but not sure…

(… And yes the idea with atlas is to merge several images into one file and have a file that describes what is in that merged file, e.g. “hero”, “weapon”, “enemy_wasp”, “house” etc. and they can have individual pivots - I guess? - and stuff)


Thanks a ton! I’ll check out all the things, that helps a lot!

Another way of creating these files is using TexturePacker.
Simply select the Spine data format to export the .atlas files.

TexturePacker comes with free support and is still actively developed. It gets regular updates and new features in contrast to FreeTextPacker, which was abandoned several years ago.