Hello there,
I created simple 3d object from one plane and texture on it. When it plane alone on scene - everuthing good: transparent work correctly. But, if I create several planes with one z coordinate,it draws artifacts, as if the transparency is turned off in this place.If I uniqualize z coordinate - everything good, but it`s not good idea, I think.
class Hexagon extends Object{
private var _obj: Mesh;
private var _obj2: Mesh;
public function new(size: Float, ?parent) {
var img = Res.hex2;
var tex = img.toTexture();
var mat = Material.create(tex);
mat.blendMode = Alpha;
var prim = new Plane3D(size);
_obj = new Mesh(prim, mat, this);
_obj.setPosition(0, 0, 0);
_obj2 = new Mesh(prim, mat, this);
_obj2.setPosition(0, 0, 0);
_obj.rotate(0, 180.*Math.PI/180.0, 0);
class Plane3D extends Polygon{
public function new(size: Float) {
var w = size/2*(250/224);
var h = size/2;
var p = [
new Point(-w, h, 0),
new Point(w, h, 0),
new Point(w, -h, 0),
new Point(-w, -h, 0)];
var idx = new hxd.IndexBuffer();
idx.push(0); idx.push(1); idx.push(3);
idx.push(3); idx.push(1); idx.push(2);
super(p, idx);
override public function addUVs(){
uvs = [];
uvs.push(new UV(0, 0)); uvs.push(new UV(1, 0)); uvs.push(new UV(0, 1));
uvs.push(new UV(0, 1)); uvs.push(new UV(1, 0)); uvs.push(new UV(1, 1));